Recreational Soccer

Fall 2023 Registration
It's that time of year again!! Time to start registration for Fall Recreation Soccer! We are very excited to get the kids back on the field for some soccer fun!
We do not typically offer rec soccer in the Spring.
Important Information
The Season runs from 9/9 to 10/28, excluding Columbus Day weekend.
Players will be drafted to teams based on grade.
Grades 1 through 6th Grade.
Games are typically held on Saturdays at either 9am or 10am, plus practice one night per week (coaches select which night) for ages 6+
Stay tuned for more information for soccer for the little cherubs ages 2 years old through Kindergarten.
A New Program Just Perfect For Our Younger Players!
Challenger Sports and Narragansett Youth Soccer are proud to once again partner up for the fall season of 2022 to bring you TINY TYKES SOCCER. - STAY TUNED FOR FALL 2023 INFORMATION!
Tiny Tykes is an innovative program, created by childcare specialist that introduces children aged 2 to 5 years to the basic motor skills of soccer. Both our Cubs (2-3 years) and our Lions (4-5 years) modules use fundamental soccer activities, games and stories to develop their abilities.

Players Gain Skills In The Following Areas:
Balance, Agility and Coordination
Technical Skills
Gross motor skills
Physical Development
Social skills
Self confidence