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Covid-19 Protocols

An Update Regarding The 2021/2022 Season

Currently the NYSA has suspended the use of the following guidelines due to national improvements regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. However, these guidelines are subject to reinstatement at a moments notice and must be complied with immediately once and if said reintroduction occurs.

NYSA will follow all Governor, Rhode Island Department of Health and CDC guidelines, Executive Orders and recommendations. Players, parents, coaches and spectators will be expected to adhere to all guidelines set forth during the season.

A full breakdown of our Covid-19 Response plan can be found in the following PDF. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or concerns regarding player safety and well-being during the season.

At least one board member or designated COVID Coordinator will be present at all Home games.

Parents must pre-screen their players 15 minutes before every practice and game and report to their coach immediately if a player does not pass the COVID-19 screening tool.

Coaches will verbally screen all players at the start of each practice and game using the
RI COVID-19 Screening Tool
as a guide.

All balls, goals and other equipment will be sanitized before and after every practice and game.

All coaches have been trained in infection prevention protocols and the importance of adherence to these protocols during practices.

NYSA will provide hand sanitizer, alcohol based wipes, spray sanitizing gun and extra masks to all teams, with the expectation that coaches will have these items available at each practice and game.

Limit of 2 spectators per player at each game. Any additional spectators will be asked to leave the field. Spectators must remain at least 14 feet from the sideline and at least six feet from each other at all times.

Players must bring their own water bottle and snacks. No group snacks will be provided to players at any point during any practice or game.

Coaches will take attendance at every practice and game and report to the NYSA Board via email within 24 hours with contact tracing records if needed.

All participants (Board Members, Coaches, Referees, Players, Guardians and Spectators) shall maintain social distancing of at least six feet at all times except when players are engaged in active play.

Referees will use electronic whistles in order to keep masks on at all times.

All participants (Board Members, Coaches, Referees, Players, Guardians and Spectators) will be required to wear masks at all times while on the field or on the sidelines for practices and games. Those not adhering to proper mask wearing will be given one warning. Continued failure to comply will result in removal from the field grounds immediately. If noncompliance continues, players may be removed from the team for the remainder of the season. If a referee deems a player’s mask to be in poor condition, the referee will ask the player to leave the field and find a replacement mask.

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