Competitive Soccer FAQs
How is spring soccer different than fall soccer?
Spring travel soccer is a competitive program where teams enter into a Rhode Island run and managed league called Super Liga. NYSA fall soccer is a recreational program run by the NYSA. Games are held throughout RI and south eastern MA. Coaches may enter teams in tournaments either locally or out of state.
What is the commitment expected?
Spring travel soccer is meant to be a competitive program where parents and children are committed to their team and coach. Practice schedules and frequencies will be up to each individual coach, but parents and players should anticipate having to attend at least one, maybe two practices per week, and games on weekends.
Will there definitely be a team for every age group?
No, our ability to make a team will depend, primarily, on the number of players that tryout for each age group. Tryouts are typically held at the end of the Fall season. Offer letters are sent shortly after tryouts. Teams are typically decided by December for the following spring season.
Is every child guaranteed to make a team?
No, however, every effort will be made to place every child that wants to play. In some cases, certain teams will offer a practice team option to some players.
Is every child guaranteed equal playing time?
No, however, children will be placed on teams that match their soccer abilities and where they can productively contribute to their team.
Can my child be on the same team as their best friend?
We cannot take special requests during this competitive season. Players must be first considered for the team that matches their birth year, regardless of what grade they are in. Skill level will be considered next when determining which team the athlete will be placed on. Players can play "up" if their skill level supports, but can never play "down".
Who will evaluate my son or daughter at tryouts?
NYSA always uses independent evaluators to run the tryouts and player evaluation. This is done to ensure independent, unbiased, evaluations. Players will be evaluated and ranked anonymously and results returned to NYSA.
Who are the coaches and how will they pick the teams?
Not all coaches have not been identified yet. In the past, NYSA has relied on qualified volunteers, and paid coaches. Some age groups have dedicated coaches while others vary from season to season.